Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rappers Delight

DRINK LIKE JEEZY!! This was at the corner of 5th and 4th in Columbus, Ohio.

Props to Lam for this one!

Diddy Courtside

3 Actual Reasons Why We Are In a Recession

Ridiculous. Nothing says I'm a bad ass like rolling up to the bar with antlers. You might as well spray yourself with fox urine, because no women would want to ride inside of a "deer".

Can you imagine a deer starring down a "deer car" as it's about to get hit?

The deer mind would go though fear, comfort, confusion and then a terrible death.

Snapped this shot at a Costco. Didn't we learn something about 70% of all purchases in a grocery store are impulse buys? Recession Reason #2

Americans will honestly buy anything. I saw this at The Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. If a parent is at a science of natural history museum and then decides to buy their kid Dinosaur shit, they should then immediately walk to the Darwin exhibit and show them the reasons why they will starve and die in 10 years.

Graphs make everything easier- Thanks USA Today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010